Tony Robbins Life Force Review – The Longevity Book You Need Right Now Book ReviewsTony Robbins Life Force Review – The Longevity Book You Need Right Now Introduction to Life Force Tony Robbins Review As this Tony Robbins Life Force review shows, this is the latest addition to my longevity book collection and it has easily become the most important. The list of people involved with the book reads like a Who’s Who of the leadership in the regenerative medicine field. My copy of Tony Robbins Life Force book – tabbed and marked There are actually three people heavily involved in this book: Tony Robbins: Tony really doesn’t need any introduction; however, Peter Diamandis, M.D.: (from the book) Author and the cofounder of Singularity University, Human Longevity, Inc., Celularity, Inc., and founder of Bold Capital Partners. He is the founder and executive chairman of XPRIZE. Diamandis has degrees in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering from M. I. T. and an M.D. from Harvard Medical School. Robert Hariri, M.D., Ph.D.: (from the book) is an accomplished neurosurgeon, biomedical scientist, and serial entrepreneur in biomedicine and aerospace. He is the co-founder and chairman of Celularity, Inc. Before Celularity, Dr. Hariri was the founder and CEO of Anthrogenesis Corporation, acquired by Celgene Corporation, and cofounded the genomic-based health intelligence company Human Longevity, Inc. There is a nonstop barrage of: resources; how-tos; where-to-find-its; and, reports on the work of some of the most brilliant people in the world who are dedicating their lives to ending the disease of aging. This book gives you insider access to their work (a large amount of which I didn’t even know existed). Tony Robbins Life Force Summary This Life Force Tony Robbins review in a nutshell? Amazing amount of actionable information, tools and therapies available right now, based on 100+ interviews with the top minds in restorative medicine, healthy longevity, and personalized precision medicine. If you want it all, and you want it right now, you can’t do better than Life Force. Life Force Chapters (sections) SECTION 1: THE LIFE FORCE REVOLUTION SECTION 2: HEROES OF THE REGENERATIVE MEDICINE REVOLUTION SECTION 3: WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW SECTION 4: TACKLING THE TOP 6 KILLERS SECTION 5: LONGEVITY, MINDSET & FULFILLMENT Key Components of Life Force Chapter Ten: Your Ultimate Vitality Pharmacy (in section three), where they inform you about several longevity supplements that you can take that are considered very safe and effective for either stretching your healthy lifespan or turning back the clock. Chapter 12: The Longevity Lifestyle and Diet – pretty self-explanatory. Chapter 14: Strength, Fitness and Performance: Your Quick Guide to Maximum Results Chapter 16: Women’s Health: The Cycle of Life by Jennifer Garrison, PhD, Carolyn DeLucia, MD, and Lizellen La Follette, MD. If you’re a woman, you want to read this. Section Four – which covers Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, chronic pain from inflammation and autoimmune disease, Obesity and diabetes, and Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline. If you struggle with any of these or are concerned about them, you can study up on the latest treatments for each. Section Five – They cover the fast-developing and medicine-revolutionizing technologies such as artificial intelligence, responsibly-sourced stem cells, sensors, networks, CRISPR, and gene therapy, that are creating a virtual revolution in the longevity sciences. Page 649: Your 7-Step Action Plan for Lasting Results. Benefits of Following Tony Robbins’ Life Force Strategies For starters, I’m already revising a lot of my personal longevity plan based on my Life Force Tony Robbins review and what I’ve learned in this book. I’m working with United Healthcare, my Medicare Advantage Plan provider, to find a Restorative wellness practitioner who specializes in geriatrics (I am 65, after all). What’s more, Tony Robbins informs you about important resources designed to sustain top performance whether you’re a professional athlete, a weekend warrior or you’re just looking for fast and easy ways to get in shape. In addition, he dives deep into the latest breakthroughs in health technology achievements to help you stay healthy and energetic, avoid disease, and live longer. When you read this book, you’re going to learn how to increase your energy, boost your immunity, and reverse your biological clock so that you wake up every day feeling and looking younger. Lastly, Tony Robbins Life Force provides actionable strategies for keeping you healthy long into your later years. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants themselves and their family members to be healthier, and most importantly, live longer! Get Tony Robbins Life Force book… The Pros and Cons of the Life Force Approach The Pros are easy to see: The book has a 7-Step Action Plan for Lasting Results Life Force has an 11-member advisory board stacked with luminaries such as David Sinclair, PhD, George Church, PhD, and Rhonda Patrick, PhD. This assures that everything written in the book was monitored and approved by the people doing the latest research. The book gives you actionable resources plus information on what is just about to come online so you can stay abreast of the latest developments and be ready when these even more advanced resources become available. The Cons: The book is an amazing resource but after all is said and done, it is still a sales pitch for the Life Force program created by Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, M.D., and Robert Hariri, M.D., Ph.D. I’m seriously considering signing Lisa and me up for their program, but it is expensive. They do it exactly the way I recommend in my Longevity supplements blog post; start with testing, find a functional or restorative medicine practitioner, then create a program jointly with your practitioner designed specifically with your physiology and needs in mind. But you can do it cheaper on your own. It’s just a matter of if you don’t mind the hassle of do it yourself or you’d rather have it all organized and done for you through a single resource. My Personal Opinion on Life Force Let me start with a quote from Ray Kurzweil, the genius who wrote the Introduction to the book: “We are on the cusp of profound medical advancements as Artificial Intelligence begins to unlock the mysteries of our bodies and brains. Yet many conventional healthcare practitioners are still caught up in the old paradigm and don’t practice medicine as an information technology. This means that each of us has to take control of our own healthcare.” (Italics mine) This book is really all about that quote. Today, cutting-edge medical research is already delivering options that not only can heal many of the scourges of age, but also guide those of us who are looking to reverse the disease of “old age.” While I am glad I’ve read all the other longevity books in my home library, I would be willing to say, if you read no other books on longevity, Tony Robbins’ book Life Force, and Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To by David A. Sinclair, PhD, are the two you have to have. Why? One, David Sinclair’s Lifespan book will explain the operation of every body system that is affected by aging, how it breaks down, and where leading researchers believe the best hope of reversing the damage will come from. This will make it much easier for you to discuss with your restorative medical practitioner what you want to accomplish. Two, Tony Robbins gives a great explanation of why you really want this book:“I want you to be among the first to benefit from these scientific discoveries because I know from my own experience how dramatically they can improve the quality of your life. In fact, the practical knowledge that I’m about to share with you in these pages might actually save your life or the life of someone you love.The aim of this book is to give you the latest information on the astounding tools and therapies that are available RIGHT NOW, and others that could soon be approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These innovations will enable you to solve many of the most common health challenges before they get out of hand.” I couldn’t put it better if you paid me. Conclusion of Tony Robbins Life Force review There are tons of longevity books out there. Each of them seems to come at the healthy longevity question from a different angle or perspective. Usually derived from their own thoughts or perceptions based on what worked for them. This book is based on interviews with over 100 of the world’s top longevity researchers, interspersed with stories by Robbins of his own health struggles and how the cutting-edge medical treatments described in the book brought him back to peak health. If turning back the clock is your goal, if you want to live a long and healthy life well beyond what’s been the norm, Tony Robbins Life Force is the book for you. PS The following is noted in small print on the inside bottom of the front sleeve (what do you think?): One hundred percent of the authors’ profits from this book, in conjunction with an additional personal pledge, will be donated to provide 20 million meals to Feeding America, the nation’s #1 hunger relief organization, and to support breakthrough scientific research to combat cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and aging. Only the book links in this review are affiliate links. If you value Fast track to the Good Life, please support our work by purchasing this book through us. Thank you in advance. Get Tony Robbins Life Force book… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Tumblr Reddit Pinterest You May Also Like Healthy Brain Tips: 7 Secrets to Brain Health Restoration April 19, 2023 Improving balance: What if you never had to worry about “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up?” August 8, 2022 Secret To Choosing Best Job Candidate – Every Time! 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